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Spreading the News

Posted on Sun Jul 28th, 2024 @ 10:21pm by Lieutenant Commander Tony Johnson & Lieutenant JG Diana Morrison-Johnson
Edited on on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 @ 5:59pm

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Johnson Quarters

Tony and Diana had just finished spreading the news of their marriage to his parents Commodore Tony Johnson Sr. and Commander Adele Johnson who were on the viewer on split screen. The parents were upset and excited for them, but a bit upset about not being able to make the secret wedding. "When things eventually calmed down we must have an actual ceremony with the family involved," the mother insisted.

"Oh definitely," Diana said with a chuckle. "I will ensure that your son makes that happen."

Looking at his parents through the monitor, Tony nodded in agreement. "If we honestly knew when things were actually going to calm down. So the family can actually get together."

The Commodore sighed. "We went from fighting it out with Klingons to suddenly working side by side with them again. Its definitely been a bit confusing for my crew. Some folks are holding grudges."

"How have you handled it dad."

"By telling their asses to get over," he replied. "We have a much bigger threat to deal with. And it needs to happen fast. The Cooper has already being deployed near Cardassian space."

"Well the Oscar is being pulled out of the Sol system and redeployed to the Third Fleet around Betazed," Adele mentioned. "Perhaps before leaving the system, I can head to on Earth and pay your brother a visit at the Penal Colony."

Both Diana and Tony gave each other a worried look. It was a look that both elders caught onto. Their youngest son had been a handful growing up. For years they figured it was him being the baby. But for as talented and full of potential as Daniel was. It seemed that he was always getting into trouble for something. Daniel was in the Academy for a year before getting booted out.

"Speak up now," Tony Sr. spoke. "Clear there is something you two have on your minds."

"Danny wasn't very happy about me infiltrating the Maquis," Tony answered. "We both said somethings, which led to a lot of blows."

"Arguing and fighting is nothing new when it comes to you," Adele replied. "There has to be more that you're not telling us."

"I know it might not be my place to speak on this situation," Diana interjected.

Adele held her hand up. "Diana your family now. You been around us for years. Never hesitate to give your opinion."

"She's right babe."

"As we all know that Danny was lost without a calling for so long," Morrison spoke. "Then he links up with Maquis. And from what we observed, he fit right in perfectly. He naturally is a leader and led them well. Very respected and won several battles. And after helping to defeat the Cardassians, the Dominion wipes out his people in the span of three days."

Tony nodded in agreement. "And I was there to witness the end and how he handled things. Which was not good."

Reaching over, she held her husband's hand. "It's obvious that he feels that he failed his people. His dealing with survivors guilt and Danny's natural reaction throughout his life is to strike out in anger. But this time he is dealing with more than anger. There's the feeling of grief and failure. But instead of going after the Dominion like he wants to do so badly. He's locked up in a Penal Colony."

"Diana is right," the Commodore admitted. "If free our son would have gotten himself killed by now going after the Dominion. Perhaps we should give him sometime to calm down before visiting."

"Perhaps your right," Adele admitted. "I just hate leaving without the possibility of not seeing him for a long time."

The older male started to laugh. "We all know that you're going to hat Penal Colony regardless of what you were just told. You never been able to keep yourself from following after him."

"Mom, I believe dad has you there," Tony chuckled. His parents were lifetime Starfleet Officers who each commanded their own crews. But when it came to their youngest child, they somehow became weak. When Danny got booted out of the Academy, they're father had given up. But they held onto hope. Personally, he had given up a long time ago. But seeing his brother with the Maquis and how loyal he was to the cause regardless of what he personally thought. Tony had to admit after a while that he liked that his brother had found his calling. His little brother had impressed him several times while he was reporting on the Maquis while undercover.

"Danny is resilient," Diana spoke up. "Just give him sometime. But now that I think about it. With this impending conduct with the Dominion. I would recommend writing to him or even making calls."

"She's right. Who knows when the next we will all see each other again in person." It was negative to think that way, but Commodore Johnson was a realist for the most part. The family spent the next hour, just catching and discussing future plans.


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