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Posted on Thu Jul 4th, 2024 @ 12:34am by Captain Xavier Carey & Commander Antonia 'Tony" Stoffels & Lieutenant Commander Rutherford (RJ) Milton
Edited on on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 @ 6:01pm

Mission: Those who are left behind
Location: Briefing
Timeline: Current

Xavier watched as the room emptied and the three remain that sat. Sitting in silence, Xavier turned. "I swear that this ship bleeds officers, First Diane, then Soran, then Hamilton, even some temporary temporary ones... we need to fill the gap for tactical."

The mention of 'Diane stung a bit; he had Larissa in his life but Diane's loss was not that easy to get over. Milton was surprised it stung as it did in his gut, he would have to talk to Sky about this before putting 'That ' complication in with Rissa.

"Especially on the brink as we are; a steady hand to spot traps and keep finger off the trigger til we need them all would be adviseable. Any candidate come to mind, I tend to think the health of people rather than what duty slot they carry." Milton reply. "I mihgt have to take more interest in their jobs as well in the future?'

He thought for another second.

"Might Talsi be good to have in charge until we can Officially get the billet filled Captain." Milton being a good and professiona 2nd Offier and not using a First Name Basis for ship business.

Toni had just managed not to groan at the way Xavier spoke about Diane and Ren but it hardly showed on her face. "She has the experience." She aadded. "It seems like the best solution for now."

Xavier noticed the subtle shifts of his two officers. "I am sorry, perhaps I should not have mentioned them by name." He paused. "Talsi, would be my first choice, if she wasn't my spouse, or perhaps my other spouse wasn't the chief of another department. I sometimes feel that they get special treatment because they are, if I make Talsi chief."

"Do not misunderstand, I did mention it as a stop gap answer until we get crew replacements rather than leaving department unsupervised,
" Milton corrected. "The next star base we can bring on new chief Have her watch over it pending now chief arrival."

"I agree with that." Toni said. "it makes sense.

Nodding, "Very well I will put in for a request asap..."

"Any questions, comments about the upcoming mission?"

"It seems clear." Toni said. "And I think we are ready to meet any challenge."

"THis might sound like a wet blanket, but our planned actions sound to be based on our victory and the Dominion not occupying the region after the fights." Milton pointed out.

"Expecting the worst and not preparing for the best. Not something starfleet is prepared to do. With so much at stake. The klingon is sending a few fleets to assist as well... on the condition that all intel received is shared."

"We all know how the Klingon Empire loves a good war, best to have them on our side." Milton commented. "I just hope we do not rely upon them too much."

"That I hope as well..." He replied in agreement. "If theres nothing else. Lets have the next six hours the best six hours while we still can."

"I am going back to earth for a little while if you don't mind." Toni said. "And Kay speaks Klingon fluently if we ever need it."

"Its one of the few I know as well... but its good to know we have more than one fluent." He nodded. "Ill leave you get back to the Mrs Doc..."

Thanks ." He chuckled "Can I take that as an Order?"

"Consider it an order."

Milton gave a Nod and prepared to depart.

Captain Xavier Carey
Commanding Officer
USS Resolution

Commander Antonia 'Toni' Stoffels
First Officer
USS Resolution

Lt Cmdr Rutherford Milton
Chief Medical Officer / 2XO


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